About what you ask? Tha Dick. At least confused about the woman's point of view. Too many opinions and too many contradicktions amongst the fairer sex. The thing that I am really confused about is this whole size thing. Some say it is important, some say otherwise. There are those who think skill is more important than size. Hmm.... Just thinking about all the various criteria that women use to determine the perfect dick is astounding to me. Kinda reminds me of when your woman says to you "pick me up some pads while you are out!" Any man who has done that one knows that it is a mind boggling assortment of choices that we never have to make. I guess you gotta be in "the club" to pick pads or dicks.
Anyway... just on the size question, what would you women consider the bare minimum size wise? What is too short? What is too skinny? What is too limp? What do you consider a big dick? How does your bare minimum compare to what you consider a big dick? And what is skilled? What skills?
I ask because I hear women often talking smack about the dick. How dudes be too small or don't know how to work it or some such other thing. So fess up ladies. Inquiring minds want to know.
Then again, maybe I am just being nosy...
Happy Birthday #54 to ME!
1 year ago
Hmmmm...I constantly hear women complain about this as well. Normally I just sit there and listen, because I just can't
I have never ever never had a man with a short one, or a skinny one, or a limp couldn't get it up one.
Maybe I have a gift at picking top grade stallions...ha!...I don't know, but I have never complained about size or depth.
Skill is a whole nother story. *sigh* I'm going to stop here...to protect the guilty.
Why of course you pick the top grade stallions! You picked me didn't ya? To blog with that is...
I find this whole thing strange because I have never been one to make a horse jealous, but I have never failed to get a return invitation if the situation warranted one...
On the average I would guess I am not small, but don't look for me in no porn flicks.
I guess it goes to attitude. Because on a normal day I get an attitude if I cum first!!!! That goes against my Quality Policy!! Sounds like another post...
Well... my mama told me... if your man is not longer than the area from the top of your middle finger to your wrist then... he's too short... then she told me that my hands are little so I gotta be careful with that...
lmao@ MzCoko
As I'm reading your post, I'm flexing my fingers to guestimate the distance from middle finger tip to my wrist...and came to the same conclusion...I have small fingers/hands too!
68...I just knew from your typing skill that you were top grade! Your wife is a lucky women.
Lmao @ Mz and Diva with the little hands!!!
Diva, You just hit the top of my Favorite Women Who Are Not Relatives Or Sexual Partners list!
MzCoko, I am a little dubious on ya mom's advice. Although now that I think about it, it is a good "rule of finger". Hope that only applies to a woman's hands... Ya moms don't spend too much time around fire and "trees" do she?
Awww...thnx...now I feel all warm & fuzzy!
TMM Diva...
lmao my post today proves I do not have that "stallion radar" that diva speaks of. She gon have to teach it to me. I've been wit the tiny's (stick up ya first fanga, thats small). Dont want no short short man. I tried to look past it, but ur um. NO. U can't feed a nigga spam and call it steak yahmean?!
I've also had a dude try to rearrange the organs...um NO that aint cool either. Ladies when his dick can talk to his knee without yellin...thats too much.
Its individual really. Whats good for some woman are not good for others. Im sure there is someone out there for fanga dude...just not me. There is somebody out there like they organs rearranged...just not me. I'll take a average nigga wit spunk any day :-)
"...dick can talk to his knee...", "...wit spunk..."
J, you a damn fool!!! Glad you are here with the rest of us damn fools!
naw.. she dont lol
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