If I hear one more Angry Black Woman lament the lack of "good black men" I will either scream or kill her. The screaming will make me feel better of course. Killing her will make me feel okay too AND will improve the ratio slightly while reducing the competition for the other ABWs. Murder in the first degree aside...
I propose the Three Wife System!
It reduces the number of single women. Lessens the chances of single parent homes. MAY reduce cheating in men. Works well for all involved.
Now I don't just mean ANY three wives. But three good and skillfully diverse women. the plan calls for:
1) A business professional. This wife serves as the second income that is so badly needed for a family to prosper and grow in the 21st century. She should have good financial management skills and a working understanding of "good credit".
2) A human care specialist. Doctor, Nurse, Teacher. Definitely an important position because have you seen the cost of health care these days? Or the condition that our schools are in today? The other upside on this one is the possibility of extra income.
3) A domestic engineer. Nobody can argue the importance of having someone take care of the home. This person makes the home, and primarily is the first point of contact with the children. Good cooking and housekeeping skills are definitely a plus.
Of course the man's roles in this are: 1) Income 2) Being a good father to all the kids. 3) Arbitrating various disagreements between wives and children and all (the buck gotta stop somewhere) 4) Taking care of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs for THREE women!
Sounds like a lot! But I am willing to try it just to not hear "all the good black men are either gay, imprisoned or married" one more time!
Happy Birthday #54 to ME!
1 year ago
Wow, you are dyssturbed.
Now go ahead and say "Sike, I'm just playing! LOL" so I can laugh.
I do not at all deny being dyssturbed.
Now that you are done laughing, what did you find so amusing?
the sad thing is, I have thought about having three husbands. so I guess I am dysturbed too. lol
Isn't three husbands counterproductive? That would leave you with having all the kids! But hey, if you can satisfy three men then goonwitchabadself!!!!
I could not see myself with three husbands. As my cousin says...her husband makes it seem like she has another child. Three grown kids fighting for my attention...smh...I don't have the patience for that.
Could I willingly share a husband with two other women though...hell to the nah, I couldn't do that either!!
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