Why, Why, WHY did some asshole light up (not once, but twice) a damn cigarette in the damn EMERGENCY ROOM??!?!?!?!!?! This of course led me to ask the nurse about their new policy of using cigarettes as therapy. What a muhfugga gotta do to get away from other peoples damn cancer sticks, check into the damn hospital? Oh... wait... that don't work either. I digressed.... Man if I wanted to work on my pack-a-day by proxy habit, I would have stayed home and called in to find out which pill I shoulda jacked from mom!
Da Hail?
Happy Birthday #54 to ME!
1 year ago
I'm with you on this one. Why people ever start smoking in the first place is something I will never understand!
glad to hear that u are alright. Sad to find out I know yet another diabetic (like myself).
I woulda been a damn fool in the ER with smokers. Gaggin and coughin and passin out. Well wait, maybe not since theyw woulda thought i was nuts and sent me to the psych ward lol. Chill out and grab u a snack. I hear dem elves got some good-ens as they say here in the Georgia mountains LMAO
Trust and believe. I was about to get the hell up and clown up in there! I hate that shit. But then I remembered that I was in there to get my pressure DOWN instead of UP. So I chilled. And that psych evaluation came to mind too. Great minds...
I just bet them elves do!
Imma hafta use Keeblers now...
smokers should all be forced to sit in a room with no ventilation together. Because thats what it feels like to asthmatic folks like myself.
I would have bugged out too. lol.
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