Okay, so I weighed in on the whole delegate thing early this year when they were fucking over my vote. Today is when the chickens come home to roost. Today is the day when the Democratic Party's Rules and Bylaws Committee makes a decision on whether to seat the delegates from Florida and Michigan. I must say it made for some interesting TV on CNN and C-SPAN.
Needless to say the Dems in charge for the most part fucked things up royally. And then they likely hoped it wouldn't be an issue since they thought things might be decided by now. Oh how they are wrong! Barack is winning and Hillary ain't quitting. To say it is a mess is somewhat of an understatement. What is at stake in Michigan is what is the best way to not minimize fucking over the Michigan voters. Because until the national election begins and we get a chance to cast a vote that is meaningful at the time it is cast, fucked over we shall remain.
The synopsis of the hearing for Michigan is here.
I guess my favorite part was when The wonderful senior Senator from Michigan, The Honorable Carl Levin, verbally bitch slapped the RBC for starting this whole mess. Basically he said that the problems came about when New Hampshire decided not to follow the new rules and moved their own primary up without penalty. Which inspired similar moves by Florida and then Michigan in protest. Which led to the unseating of delegates. Which led to the popular notion that the primary results would be meaningless in nominating the candidate. Which led to folk removing themselves from the ballot and not campaigning for votes. Which led to an extremely flawed election in Michigan. So flawed in fact that everyone has created their own fiction about "what would have happened". And he basically said that a compromise needed to be made between the two opposing candidate's positions for unity's sake. Then he challenged the RBC to come up with a better solution if they didn't like his. I doubt they will.
The only good solution is a redo. Of course the taxpayers here in Michigan don't feel that it is a worthy project for state funding, a second time. Of course I don't see the RBC getting party leaders to help foot the bill for a bunch of people's bad judgment. So what I am saying on that is, there won't be a good solution.
But it WAS good TV!
Happy Birthday #54 to ME!
1 year ago
as a Floridian, I just keep wondering how the HELL are we an issue AGAIN. I mean honestly... it seems as though whenever electoral situations occur, Florida is the front runner for 'can't get it together'... but whatever... I honestly don't even know if it will make that much of a difference... all it will do is just keep it close... but we'll see who the delegates choose (when they finally get to that arena)
Yeah, I really feel for you guys down there. Definitely the last three elections have made things look bad there. But at least they stayed on your ballot and this mess we are in isn't an issue.
I think the best thing is to leave it alone and go on as best they can without Michigan and Florida. They done already fucked us. And it was pretty much by unanimous agreement. So keep it moving and make sure there won't be any problems in either state in November!
Don't understand how they can change the rules in the middle of the game, but that's politrix for you.
i just came by to say hey cuz u been showing mad luv lately. but i come over lookin' for something juicey & u talkin' politics - right now all i can take is the katt wms that i posted. i need some political humor cuz politics is turning my stomach right now. but, i'm gonna give u a cyber hug anyway - i know a horndog such as u will like that;-)... lol!
@ Rashan - That is what many people were wondering too at the hearing...
@ Cap - Sorry dear. I know how you feel, but it was a big thing THAT day. And mostly I intended on talking about Sen. Levin. Of course I needed to provide background. But there was no update. In fact, I don't even know what the out come was of all that right now.
HOWEVER! The next post you read will be all that you came here to see.
Thanks for the hug. An old horndog does like just that! I will see you at ya spot later. And under the pussy tree!
I didn't catch a lot of it but what I saw about the meeting was a mess. These half votes and other "compromises" still suck to me. Are they going to punish us if we keep the same dates for the primaries in 2012?
I'm so ready to leave the Dems alone. Fuck politics altogether!
I would say the same but I have to do my part in bringing the evil empire to a stop for at least 4 years. It will be interesting to see if New Hampshire will pull that bitch shit this time around...
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