While doing some reading recently I ran across the pitfalls of cloning. Basically the whole overarching story was that these beings were created as a product and were made to fulfill a need. Yet they were never thought of as people. Not really thought of as flesh and blood creatures because the were born to a test tube and an incubation chamber. Not really people because they were created to combat something that was also a creation.
I found that attitude a bit sobering. I started to think about how this attitude was very similar to the way slaves were treated in the past. Then I stopped thinking about the past. I thought about the present. That attitude is still prevalent in society today. In fact it isn't even limited to a certain group anymore. I am even guilty of it.
People are defined by their roles as objects. At least that is my point of view at times. And maybe it is just me. I am a northerner, the snow makes us mean... But I find myself thinking of people by the what and not the who. The UPS man, the mailman, the police officer, the doctor, the checkout lady, the stock dude, the lawyer, the judge, Paris Hilton. See. A whole list of people who are not people. And if you think I am wrong then tell me how much you care about Paris Hilton's feelings. She may be a wonderful, caring, human being who is caught up in being a persona. I mean she could be but...
Anyway, think about all of the times you actually interact with someone who passes by your life. Not the ones you know or interact with on a regular basis. I am talking about the ones who fill a role or come by once and are gone forever. Do you tend to think of the person you met or their persona?
It is especially true here in Blogland. To various degrees we all strive for both. Due to the relative anonymity we tend to portray a persona when blogging in general. But sometimes the posting gets very personal and reveals that which only our loved ones see in reality. Then the person tends to come out.
How often do you see the person?
How often are you seen as a person?
Happy Birthday #54 to ME!
1 year ago
Goodness gracious, You Dysturbed one... this here sounds like some ish I would've written.
You know, I think about this allll the time. I myself am guilty of separation of the real person and the person's role. But my biggest joy in life has been peeling back the layers, and finding out who the "real" person is.
And you know, much of this is perpetrated by the media. It is awful how we allow it to view people in strange ways.
I don't think Paris is as vapid and dumb as she portrays herself to be or is portrayed but I don't think she's a wonderful, caring, human being either. I could be wrong but I generally trust my instinct.
Just out of curiosity how is your blog persona different from the real you so to speak?
Yeah Oldgirl, I know what you mean. Sometimes it is as easy as striking up a short conversation or shamelessly flirting just to get a smile. Then the checkout girl turns into that hot babe with the pretty smile who I definitely could holla at if I weren't so married... who rang up my groceries.
Curiously my blog persona more matches the private me than the public me. Usually the mask that people wear in public is the one that hides your face. The one I wear in private is the one that is my face. Usually that is the one my blog fam gets to see. But not TOO much of that... Much like my old avatar. You get the eyes but not the whole face. Actually in public I am rather reserved and quiet. Maybe even conservative.
Okay, if someone was to read my blog, they would think that I'm one fucked up individual on the real.
And they would be right.
If someone was to read your blog the current post would say
" Closed
The Cheap Seats are closed until further notice."
Sounds like a leap to me...
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