Sunday, August 03, 2008

Breaking News!

Bdogg the second made his world premiere on August 2 at 11:00 p.m in Detroit, Michigan. He weighed in at a healthy 6 pounds even. And lays a full 18 inches long!

Baby, glowing mother and proud papa are doing well!

This little event has pushed me into a new title bracket. Mom too. We both now have the Great designation attached to our previous titles.

Congrats Nephew!


The Dreamy One said...


okay first off congrats on the baby nephew

your gonna have to post some pics soon

and please dont write a post about me and my blonde moments,lol

LadyLee said...

Congratulations, Great Uncle!!

Jazzy said...

Aww congrats to the parents!!

Isn't 18 inched kinda long?

nikki said...

opinionated, we're talking about a baby, not what you got on your mind, nassy ass. LOL

congrats to you and the fam, sixty-eight. great uncle? we don't know if you're great yet, do we?

Rashan Jamal said...

Congrats on the addition to the family!

Anonymous said...

Congrats to the family! What a wonderful blessing.

The Second Sixty-Eight said...

@ The Dreamy One - Why thank you!
And I won't post about your blondness. That would take too long! Yeah. I gotcha!!!!

@ Ladylee - Why thank ya!

@ Opinionated Diva - I will pass the word on! And it is a little lengthy but not unusual.

@ Nikki - Bwaaahahahahaha!!!!
You got me there! Wasn't expecting that one!
Thank you on behalf of the family! And YES! You do indeed know I am great!

@ Rashan Jamal - Thanks!

@ Thoughts Of A Southern Gal - Thank you! It is rather wonderful isn't it?

Miss Snarky Pants said...

Congrats on the new addition to the fam!!!

The Addict said...

Congrats on the new edition to the family! A new mind to corrupt...