You know I told myself a while back to back off on the really personal shit. For various reasons. But today I am mad as hell and am literally about ready to MurderDeathKill some anonymous muthafucka right now!!!
Apparently some "person" (I'll be nice) called Adult Protective Services and made a complaint that Mom is being abused, taken advantage of, not fed, not cared for, and living in generally filthy conditions. And somehow the dog became an issue too! That really burns my ass near to the point of tears!!! Now my regular readers already know the situation about Mom's TEAM of folk and their various contributions. But DAMN!!! That was a plain affront to my entire existence. Especially since that shit was a bunch of damn lies!
My damn name ain't Hazel but I would hardly call the joint filthy. Her needs are taken care of whenever she needs or asks. I gotta fight with her to get food in her half the damn time. She don't eat enough for my tastes, but it ain't my stomach... Abuse? Bitches please!
The dog came up in this statement: "the grandson and his dog moved in and is taking advantage of her" Where this comment came from is way beyond me. But it sure as hell isn't true. The dog is mine. The dog has been here since before she moved back in. I ain't a grandson. One grandson spends his time with his baby-momma (to be, too late for Father's Day though...), the other is a minor and is the one who cleans the most and helps out with her the most. She knows what is going on with her money, her meds and the general state of things around her. And I make sure she is aware of things, even when she ain't that interested... So that doesn't even have a grain of truth in it.
I could rant on for days but...
I talked to the APS worker earlier. She had an occasion to speak with Mom's nurse and physical therapist. They seem to have debunked the claims that were made to start this whole thing. The APS worker doesn't feel there is a need to come out for a visit. But I could still kill the bitch that gave her a reason to want to. My Mom don't do nothing to nobody. Why try to get her dragged out of her home and thrown into a nursing facility? How does stressing and depressing someone with hypertension issues helpful?
Sorry y'all had to go through this, but I blog to vent. So you asked for it! And I have yet one more reason to want that Sig P250. I may even have a naming party when I get it!
I am done ranting now. Please scroll down to the more lighthearted fare I served up for ya earlier!
Happy Birthday #54 to ME!
1 year ago
wow homie...i know you were pissed when that call came in!!!! The main reason you are there, is to take care of mom.
usually those calls come from people you know though...check your people...seriously, but at the same time, don't even sweat it. obviously the case worker realizes that some jackass is just b.s.'g.
go have a beer and calm your nerves
That's some serious ish my friend. I'm sorry you had to exprience that.
At least you know she's got good people around who care for her and have her best interest at heart.
Keep ya head up! I side with the Diva...have a beer and breathe easy.
Opinionated Diva is right. I'm guessing it's one of your mom's "TEAM of folk" that snitched on you. That's foul. Glad the nurse and the physical therapist backed you up.
Venting is better than getting that Sig and showing that snitch some real abuse.
I just started reading your blog weeks ago so I don't know the deal about your mother. But that is messed up. You are doing right by your mother and somebody is hating. SMH
OK...this is so not appropriate for your topic, but Freaky's avatar is freaking me out in the funniest
tray strawnjay
That's your tax dollars at work right there my friend. When they have little to do, government agencies just starts fucking with everybody.
@ Diva - Yes indeed. I guess after I got over the nervous laughter and mild outrage. I tried to spend time murdering pixels to calm me. It worked until my sister came in and started talking a bunch of off the wall shit. Then I got really pissed. Right around the time she started talking about relocating her. What is she a car that is getting hid from the repo man?
@ Addict - I hear ya sweets. that beer do sound good. It may make me clear out my drafts. Especially since one was about just that...
@ Southern - I have three posts entitled Dissatisfaction Maximus. They will get you in the hood. The other one requires me to research what I wrote... But I will get back to you.
@ Diva (again) - Freaky's Avatar will make you take notice anytime. He is at least as dyssturbed as me. Moreso on Friday. We probably could hang, but woe is Detroit. If our dogs don't decide to fight anyway...
That's too effed up, yo! I agree that its someone close to the situation. Glad it worked out.. Try not to actually murder no one.
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