I meant to post this last week. But other things got in the way. But, here you are...
Oh My Fucking God!!!! Are you really kidding me? A pregnancy pact? Got this from Fresh...
Joe Dumars wasn't playing when he said that nobody is safe on this team after losing to Boston. See
Okay. Now this one makes my stomach hurt. This bullshit here. Damn. I know you gotta try to win an election, but this just plays right into the hands of the racists. SMDH @ the world we live in...
Some days you gotta do what ya gotta do. Even if you are faking the funk.
Some people just way over react to shit in the dumbest ways...
And some people do dumb shit for no GOOD reason...
Now this shit is getting plain ass dumb!!!
Happy Birthday #54 to ME!
1 year ago
"people do dumb shit for no GOOD reason..." uh, Bruh - isn't that obvious? or did i miss something - u mean there is a GOOD reason for dumbshyt? LOL!
Real Question: How did u set up your blog-roll like that, 2nd 68? I need an easy blog-roll to set up for the pchats - an automatic one would be iDEAL ... THANX!
and I'm SO MAD your song FavThings isn't on the "service" for the pchats playlist...
That pregnancy pact tripped me out. What did ya'll expect after the popularity of that Juno movie and Britney Spears little sister popping up pregnant at age 16?
The little innocent white girls all over the country screaming "I want to have a baby, too!".
THAT's what I expected. Lo and behold, the fruit of the seed sown has arrived amongst us! So they need to stop hatin' and go plan all them baby showers!
I'm with Cap... how did you do that blogroll thing? Do a post on that, Mista! Or email a sista!
Funny post... I can see that much irritates the hell out of you! LOL!
I'm so with Ladylee on that pregnancy pact...these little kids think pregnancy is cute. I remember having sex ed in high school. On day one...the instructor showed us a movie. I think it was called the Miracle of Life. It showed an actual woman up close and personal giving birth. I don't think ONE guy in there thought about the fact that they were seeing a naked woman...I think we all were amazed at how far she stretched and with how much pain and agony she was in as she screamed away.
Great birth control, I tell ya!
Detroit politics and politicians are special. Short bus special that is.
I hope Detroit keeps Tayshaun. What do you think about the talk that we're trying to get Carmello Anthony? Funny when you consider we could've taken him in the draft in the first place.
So that's how people get pregnant these days? Maybe I need to find some disciples and form a pregnancy pact of my own.
@ Cap - Okay. You got me. There are really no good reasons for doing dumb shit.
I will get that info on the blog list for ya.
I know for a fact the song is on Imeem. Otherwise...
@ Ladylee - I didn't expect that! The young today are very creative but seemingly in only the worst ways...
I will get you the info on the blog roll as soon as I get done with the comments...
@ Diva - I remember The Miracle Of Life. Still one of my favorite documentaries. You know, I don't recall being all that titillated either... Makes you think though! And cool camera work!
@ Freaky - Man, you ain't said but a word on the Short Bus Specials. I may have to steal that and coin a phrase... The SBS City Council...
I think they will keep him. I think the team in general is suffering from "Here we are again where we are supposed to be" complacency. All of the starters kind of fell off their games a little. If they were as serious about winning as I saw the Red Wings were then we would have had two parades within a months time...
Now about Mello? I don't know. Good offense. But I am not sure if we will be better off or not. Especially since Denver wants Chauncey and change for him.
That Darko draft was a joke. I didn't like it then. Little brother was excited but they can only really draft on "NBA potential" He HAD a big upside. It just never materialized. And they really couldn't draft Mello since they had just established their YOUNG small forward. Might have caused more problems than it would have solved. They were trying to groom a big man for the retirement or moving of Ben or Sheed.
Now the REAL question is, did Joe make the right choice for coach? But since he is usually right, I am gonna give him the benefit of the doubt.
No Freaky! Don't do it! A buncha little welfare moms hanging out at Fiend of the Court and dropping the babies off in mass at your mom's place so they can go to the club? I don't know...
I swear only in America can ppl sue for any and every gat damn thing. We are raising a f*cking sissy-fied generation of people that complain and pout about any situation that causes them even the smallest form of discomfort, no matter how ridiculous.
Ya know? I mean really. I am all for getting some chips when somebody chooses to do me wrong. But damn!
Some people really do dumb crap for no good reason...Common sense just ain't common is??
In fact common sense is very uncommon these days. I don't know why...
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