I found it in two dogs yesterday. Kurn (my dog) did his best 7 year old on Christmas morning bit when my nephew gave him a gift. There was an old love seat in the house. It saw it's last day here and was thrown out. My nephew decided to save the pillows. He gave them to my dog. Talk about happy. He tried to climb on them, sniff them, move them and run around them all at the same time. I guess he realized that he needed to decide and laid down. I don't know if he was happier because he gets to lay six inches above the floor, doesn't have to lay on the floor or because he doesn't have to get in trouble for stealing folks clothes and laying on them. Although I think that old habits die hard. The minute he was free and alone, he stole somebody's shirt and put it on the pillow.
Speedy is my SIL's spoiled dog. I think he was the one who cleaned up best. I saw no less than five new toys. And he ain't much bigger than my shoe. Aside from the now too many choices to chew up and the fact that there was company, he had a favorite toy. There was this funny looking orange and white penguin that made noise. It was a strange noise that was a cross between a moan and a fart. But this set Speedy off. To the point that he ran around the house shaking this little thing like it personally cursed all of his ancestors and then scheduled him for neuter surgery while changing his canned food to dry.
Too funny that...
Happy Birthday #54 to ME!
1 year ago
shaking this little thing like it personally cursed all of his ancestors and then scheduled him for neuter surgery while changing his canned food to dry.
How did you come up with the name Kurn for your doggie?
@ J - If you hadda seen it, you would have agreed!
@ Poca -Star Trek Fan. Question is, are you? Can you identify the origin? (I'll tell ya later if you aren't...)
No sir, please enlighten me
A belated Happy Holidays to ya pahdna!
lmao@this story. Old habits will definitely be hard for li'l cujo to break.
*raising an eyebrow @ FIVE toys for the dog*
I wondered about the name "kurn" too...but now that you mention it has something to do with Star Trek...that's all I needed to know!
Okay, for the uninitiated, on the Kurn reference. It goes back waaayyyy back. Star Trek: The Next Generation. There is a Klingon on the show named Worf. He is a Klingon who was raised by humans. But he identifies himself with his Klingon heritage. His family was disgraced and the kids were sent into hiding. When Worf finally made it back to the Empire, he found his brother. One Commander Kurn. A real Klingon in many, many ways. Much like the dog. I was gonna teach the dog Klingon but my book was jacked and I never got around to it afterward. Anyway, that is the story!
OMG! Did I just get comment spammed by one Adam Brown? SMDH. I don't recall asking about a diet. Unless of course I was asking about an explanation.
Happy Belated Holidays to ya too! And I think five was the toy count. I could have underestimated though...
Happy New Year Homie!!!
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