Political shenanigans is the reason why I am suddenly a little less than thrilled with my right to vote.
This year is one of those special elections where there is genuine excitement about the possibilities. Historic possibilities. In fact the Democratic Party has the chance to change the face of the Presidency. Not to make too much of the fact that a white woman and a black man are the two most likely candidates for the party. But on top of that the environment is primed toward one of them actually being the "First..." That would truly represent the change in the way folk think in this country. We will see if America is truly ready for such change. But I ain't here to talk about Senators Clinton or Obama. Not directly.
My problem is that the Democratic Party is playing politics with my vote! Last night was the Primary Election in Michigan. And I didn't go. I had no reason to. It would have been a waste of my life to do so. Usually I would feel shame at missing the chance to put my two cents in considering the trouble that it took for me to have that opportunity. Why?
Basically it was a one pony show for the Democrats. The choices? Clinton, Kucinich and Uncommitted. Which essentially meant that it was as slam dunk for front runner Clinton. Such a slam dunk in fact that she wasn't even in the state. She was in Nevada. Congrats anyway...
Uncommitted was the thing that the dumb asses in the party tried to put out as an alternative to voting for Clinton. More accurately what you check if you wanna support Obama or Edwards. An explanation is here. Why it was a bad thing for them is here. The funny version is Here. The short version is that they didn't wanna piss off the party and thought that she was a lock for Michigan because of the powers that be and old polls...
I am pissed.
To make things worse the Republicans got all excited because their race opened up even wider since Romney won and now they have three different winners in three different states heading to Super Tuesday.
Maybe I will be forgiving by November.
I almost went out last night. But I just didn't see it worth my trouble to punish them by voting for McCain...
Happy Birthday #54 to ME!
1 year ago
I was with you until the last sentence. I saw it perfectly worth my trouble to punish them by voting for McCain. LOL It felt pretty good too.
I'll probably calm down by November but until then I'm stocking up on Haterade.
My blog.
See the only problem is that they wouldn't learn a damn thing from it. Especially since the state ass kissed Romney into a win. Now if he said "fuck it! I'm going independent!" Then I am all over that! Now the question is are they gonna get their heads outta their asses soon enough to keep me from doing it in November...
And pass me some of that Haterade!
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