Why were three teenage girls strolling the streets at 4:30 in the oh-dark-thirty? And why did this have to happen as a consequence?
Why is my dog nearly killing himself trying to lick three drops of butter off of the floor? Look at him go!
Why were illegal immigrants allowed to get drivers licenses in Michigan when I can't get mine back until I pay my tickets? I thought being an illegal alien was a bigger crime than being too poor to pay for an expired tag. Go figger. What up with that?
Why are firefighters really heroes? You carry him out and ask that.
Why did Bill Clinton let himself get seen sleeping at a MLK event?
Why the hell are the Pistons on a losing streak? Orlando at the last second I can understand. But how do you get blown out by the NEW YORK KNICKS?
Why has it taken so long for folk to get tired of the antics of the professional celebrity stalkers? I think they call them collectively paparazzi.
Why all this sudden talk about the economy going into a recession? Hell my economy has been in a depression far longer than I care to think about. Recession? Big deal!
Why can't candidates just get along?
Why wasn't I born bigger, taller, stronger, faster and devoted to some kind of ball? I could sure use one of them $20 million dollar contracts...
Happy Birthday #54 to ME!
1 year ago
Why did Bill Clinton let himself get seen sleeping at a MLK event?
Cus he prolly had a good down home meal and caught nicca-itis...LOL
LMAO at the dog. I can see him now bout to choke da hell out himself ova that parkay lol
LOL...ahhhhhhh rantings of a disturbed mind indeed!
The story about the three teens really disturbs me. They were out at 4:30am...they pretty much hitched a ride to go to the store, but didn't go...they're sitting in a car with this 34 yr old dude and a teenager...AND THEN another car just starts bussin shots??? There's gotta be more to the story...just bizarre!
Your dog is as disturbed as you are! lol
It took TEN FIREFIGHTERS to carry dude out...WOW!
Wow @ gettin blown out by...of all people the KNICKS! Shame shame shame!!!
That Clinton thing had me rolling. And I didn't even watch the whole thing. There musta been a buttamilk biscuit in that meal. Who among us hasn't been there?
That dog is REALLY special some days. Sounded like he was trying to tear the floor boards up trying to get to something JUST outta range. All leaned over sideways because the leash kept pulling him the other way...
I am wondering what else them hot little hoes were up to myself. Hell I don't go to the store at 4:30! And they were WALKING? To the store...? Since when did store become a new way to say "friend"?
Damn @ teenage girls being allowed to roam the streets at those hours of the morning...
WTF is this world coming to???
I am wondering how the paparrazi gets away with all that ish... Oh, wait a minute, we pay for those tabloids, don't we?
New wave coming though... Paparrazi dating the celebrities (Britney spears and that dude). Now THAT'S where the real money is, lol!
You both are so right.
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