Thursday, January 17, 2008

I Am Answer

This next deep thought was inspired by I Am J. She asked, how can I do anything but answer. Especially since the seemed to have settled on a name again...

Valentines day is soon. This will give u a chance to ponder and marinate.

What attracted you to your wife? What keeps the love alive betwixed yall? that a word? Well it is today :-)

See this right here is a good reason for her to be blogging herself. Cause the full story is best told from both points of view. But you didn't ask how we got together. So I will stick to the question that's betwixted us.

The answer is somewhat complicated. How do you really put into words what makes The One THE One. I will try my best to give a "short" answer, so my head won't hurt from all the thinking...

I do know the thing that cemented the deal for me is that she is a kind and giving individual. You know, the kind that wants to help all the time. The kind that will pay more and accept less ( that part runs me up the wall). The kind that likes to see people smile and be happy. The kind that stops at the baby stuff and goes "Oooohhhhhh... Look at the teeny tiny stuff. Somebody gotta get pregnant so I can buy them some. Oooohhhhh...".

Things that keep the love alive betwixted us are also reasons that attract me to her. Big butt, Big knockas, Big thighs, Not scary when undone, Milk Chocolate don't hurt. Check, check, check, check and check!
Her liking sports (sometimes more than me) don't ever hurt. We like a lot of the same things. She done even got me to watching the Food Network, just not when I am eating. She is not high maintenance. Although she does have this strange ability to find the most expensive thing in visual range. And the fact that she is kinda nympho speaks loudly to the very freaky side in me.
But the biggest thing is that she loves me like I love her. Just as much, just as hard, just as long, Just Forever.


Jazzy said...


nikki said...

that last reason is the most important reason of all no DOUBT. gotta love like one wants to be loved. you make me think a happy marriage IS possible.

The Second Sixty-Eight said...

Yes indeed. A Happy marriage is possible. The main tricks are to keep your feelings for each other central and separate from everything else. Let NOTHING come betwixt ya. Compromise. And most of all enjoy each other.

Of course the other thing is that BEFORE you get married you find someone who you really like inside and become best friends.

Beana said...

i love black love and hearing the real deal versus whats on TV and in books.

I have never witnessed a loving lasting relationship so i LOVE to hear real love stories.

Now entice her to at least do a guest post on your spot. I need both sides of the story please :-)

Beana said...

and stop tripping i promise to not change my name...for a minute anyway :-)

Miss Snarky Pants said...

Love is a beautiful thing and that is a great answer!! Here's wishin' you and the wife many more years of happiness.

The Second Sixty-Eight said...

J, I been trying to get her on, at least here and there. Offered to create one for her own uses. Offered her my other site even. She won't even sign up for an ID to leave comments. I did mention that she is stubborn as a mule didn't I? She was lurking earlier, she mentioned that she saw the post.

What? Trippin? I didn't even mention the name change thing this time. I used the one from your profile. NOW you wanna take me to task when I start doing right?

We are trying Ms. We are trying.

Anonymous said...

That's good stuff right there. Black love is real and it's good to see a black man not "hate" on marriage.

deepnthought said...

I loved this post. just beautiful

Mizrepresent said...

What a beautiful answer. Awwwwwe!

The Addict said...

How beautiful!! To quote my best friend, "when the love is real..."

Anonymous said...

this is just lovely to read...thank you