Monday, August 13, 2007

New Words Of The Week 4!

1. blogwhore - uh...

2. Blogstipation - Been there! Done that!

3. blogonaut - You know who you are!

4. Bloggerazzi - First! Bytches!!!!

5. blogdouche - And you wonder why I don't allow anonymous commenting!?!

6. holy ghost enema - Can I get an Amen?

7. turn-pussy - I see them ALL the time!

8. Snowbird - LMAO!!! Florida you deserve it!

9. Pedomitzvah - Not to be confused with R.!

10. DSL - Not just for internet access!

11. cyberscort - The surprising thing is, it ain't uncommon!!!!

12. gamble gas - Don't act like you ain't been there before!

13. assweasel - A special kind of brown noser!

14. siamese whoopee cushion - Must only work for white folk...

15. Cincinnati Air-Freshener - Been victim and victimizer!

I done lampooned the bloggers this week! So have a healthy laugh at yaselves! Next week the really disgusting stuff! A sample...

Bonus: Cincinnati Juicebox - After this one juice just ain't the same. Sticking to water from now on...


Coko Mulan said...

siamese whooppee cushion...

definitely wouldnt work for me


The Second Sixty-Eight said...

No. Probably not. But the mental image of you trying just brings me no amount of excess joy!