From the never say never files:
The Wife is the proud owner of a new used Cadillac! She of course never liked Cadillacs. Figure the irony!
Gas prices have come down. The gas fueled price increases on food haven't. Go figure...
It's coming down to crunch time. I doubt that I will be around any more often than I have been lately. But I won't be gone any more often that I know of. So this ain't a blog break or fake retirement or anything. Just an update.
As it stands, this semester is going along rather swimmingly. Unless I seriously drop the ball, I should come out of this semester with at worst an A and two B's. But three A's is more likely. I shall keep you posted.
I swear if my advisor does not make my damn plan of work a priority, I am gonna move into her damn office! I started this process a couple of years back. She kept putting me off by telling me I needed to get my records updated. I finally did that last summer since it was on my mind to drop in to Morehouse to get that transcript. Never stopped at the college but I got it done online. And the local CC the January before that. So by the time I got to her in August, she was surprised to find the records that she had just requested I get (again) were already on file. So she told me that she needed to get past Registration to get it done. That was to take about two weeks after Labor Day. She got about six extra weeks. I sent an e-mail early last week. Followed up with a phone call at the end of the week. Still not done. She hadn't gotten to the e-mail by the phone call. She assured me that it would be done by Monday (just passed). It wasn't. I just dropped in all unannounced today (since I happened to be there) to see how things were going. Okay, it was a physical reminder that I was stoking the fire under her. The office worker steered off telling me that walk=in counseling was on Tuesday when I mentioned that I needed a status on my Plan Of Work which she has been "working" om all semester. It is supposed to be done before week end. I guess the database will be repaired by then. I get the feeling that I will be there on walk-in counseling to blow cognac breath on her fire. I can't finish registering until she gets on her job and gets my approvals and makes sure all the t's and i's are crossed and dotted. Registration started two weeks ago... Y'all feel me?
Happy Birthday #54 to ME!
1 year ago
I'd be frustrated @ the advisor as well. You will definitely have to stay on top of her.
I'm glad your semester is going great.
good stuff on the schooling.
nooo noooo..stay away from the fake retirement, that stuff going around like the flu.
DAMN. you sound like you're attending me beloved famu. i swear those folk were hired for their inability to do work.
i'm happy you're doing so well in school, though! i say we should have all of the students post their grades at the end of the semester and hand out awards.
lmao @ Oh on the fake retirements
I hate school advisors...they make you feel like you're BOTHERING them when all you want is for them to do the job they were HIRED to do!
I'll expect those 3 A's!
The advisor needs to do her job. I would hound her everyday. She would get tired of me.
Keep up the good work in school!
I'm loving these gas prices.
Keep on keepin' on!
Hooray for your taking the time to clear up that you won't be going into blog retirement...
[Lawd knows that shyt seems to be contagious these days]
Stay on toppa that advisor...
{Well...not like THAT but you know what I mean} LOL
Glad to know the school semester is going good for you. In that case, I'm lookin' forward to reading all about those "A's"!!
congrats on the new car.
things are starting to look up for you guys.
i am so happy. another step in a positve direction. I know you were elated!!!!
good job with school. i wish i was back there now but when my lease is up ill be back to finish what i started!!!
@ Bored - Yeah. She would give a gray hair or two. Hell if she had done the damn thing when I FIRST asked, then I wouldn't have been procrastinating so long and might be finishing my masters degree next semester.
@ Big Oak (cause you know black people can't say shit right...) - Thanks!
No fake retirement for me. If I seem to be taking an EXTRA long break it would be because my poor ass is in the damn dark. I couldn't leave y'all alone if I wanted to.
@ Nikki - I guess FAMU hires from the same pool as the welfare offices.
I am down with the posting of the grades. Especially since I am in the running for the awards. And you know I am gonna put them boys out anyway!
@ Diva - Yeah. I think you hit it on the head. And I think mine might actually be overwhelmed slightly. But not because of me.
I am working on them A's. Just got my midterm grade from my computer class. One more out of the park.
@ Southern - I will be back on campus all day tomorrow. So I will be around to remind her again if necessary.
@ Terry - I shole will! And I will be by soon too.
@ Ms. B. - You know I had to put it out there. Nah. Can't retire. I just didn't want y'all to think I abandoned y'all. Soon as I quit messin' with this, I am gonna get to working on my DSS project and tomorrow my paper. Anybody know about Neutron Stars?
@ Dreamy - You go girl! Get that educumucation! We still gonna have to holla. I need to get caught up with ya!
Yeah. I am starting to feel a bit of hope again. And I have pretty much decided that it is time for my household to meet up in one place again. THEN I can move forward for real. But baby steps when things are getting accomplished is good enough for right now.
You better study, boy! That's all I have to say:)
Ridiculous!!! It's a shame you have to stay on her to do her job, when you're the "customer". Lol at blowing cognac on her fire...I don't blame you one bit. Good luck!
You've been tagged...sorry, I had to do it :)
@ Ladylee - You know I am! You just know I am!
@ Aretha - Yeah. If I am gonna be drinking and have volatile breath. It might as well be the good stuff. You know I did mean Remy and not that Hennessey rotgut stuff right?
@ Aretha - Tagged? Tagged? Wha... Ooookaayyyy. Guess I will be by to see why...
I feel I feel! I hate advisors...
And ur report card gon look better than mine :-/ must be nice
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