I am almost ashamed to claim the Metro Detroit Area as my home. Why? Because there are some seriously dumb and twisted folk up in this bitch! You don't believe me? Read this...
Supporting Obama? No treats for you at Grosse Pointe Farms house
Can I get a "What The Fuck???" up in here?
Happy Birthday #54 to ME!
1 year ago
I read this madness earlier. Mccain supporters are DESPERATE at this point. Its obvious.
One thing I know. During this election, you find out what's REALLY in people's hearts... All kinds of craziness is coming out, ain't it?
that is a damn shame!!! Such a b-i-itch....
I'm just coming thru cuz i been blog-triflin' & haven't checked on ya in a minute.
I can't bear anymore of the political antics & am off "news" until nov. 5th (or 4th evening;-)
just finished reading about the wife's mis-hap: YEEEEOWCH! *shudders* Glad to hear she's healing sanely. And now, you've got me super aware when BIG Dudes are standing behind me ...
You should have been shamed when your cousins posted their youtube video, "It's So Cold In The D". Lol
That woman is stupid. And what is so scary about Obama? I've heard plenty of "them" saying this. Fear of a black man. SMH
It's a sad shame that she pulled politics into what is essentially a child's holiday. I'm glad the next door neighbor gave people a canvas for a positive response to her ignorance.
@ Jaila - Yeah. Such a damn shame. It ain't like Jesus and Satan are campaigning for folks souls in this election. THEN maybe I could see where she is coming from...
@ Ladylee - You done said more than a word on that. Folk been crazy as hell lately. I know that the Muslim community is highly offended that folk are saying that he is a Muslim, but in a bad way. We won't even get on the Black madness...
@ Tafari - I know YOU saw that madness on the news. I should have linked the video instead of the article.
@ Cap - I been away a little myself. I am still getting caught up myself. She is healing quite nicely. She has been being good.
@ Southern - Ha Haaaaa... You know them your kuntree ass cousins that moved here and did that! Okay, I was ashamed then TOO. Especially when the music stopped matching the lyrics.
I just don't understand folk sometimes....
@ Aretha - Yeah. I am glad he did that too. That was a damn shame. It was kinda funny when the pizzeria gave folk a free pizza for bringing in McCain/Palin signs. Especially when folk started stealing the signs to get free pizzas. They caught flack for that for trafficking in stolen sighns... That at least I could understand. But the candy thing is just low.
I like these kind of people. I would be like "oh, okay, makes me feel better ya'll won't be eating candy from someone like her."
Shoot, if she that bold, no telling what else she'd do.
That's some ignant shit right there. People are so stupid.
yeah that has my nerves all bad from reading that shyss.
the nerve of people i tell you.
anywho honey I hope that you had a great weekend. love ya!!!!
It's a shame that she feels the need to make political statements while kids are just trying to get some damn candy. I saw her on the news. She looks like someone who would do exactly what she did. She probably put razor blades in the candy after dipping them in rat poison. You know just in case any of the parents lied about being Obama lovers.
@ Realhustla -so true. so true
@ Bored - You know it sista!
@ Dreamy - It was a not so bad weekend. Yours seemed quite fun too!
@ Freaky - LMAO! And ya feel me?
WOW...That's some REAL bull**** right there!!!
Ya know?
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