You know, equilibrium in life is sometimes a very difficult thing to find. On the whole it isn’t that hard to achieve when you are alone. However the forces of others make it a hard task. The more people, the more difficult. The system is so wacky that at times we don’t even know who is keeping us from reaching out happy neutral. At times our struggle is affected by others around us desperately trying to get their own thing in order. They knock us out of balance while trying to get their own balance. Other times there are folk who just don’t want to see you standing on an even plane. Greed, envy, selfishness and many other things motivate these people to mess us up, if only for a moment. These are of course aside from us sometimes not knowing how to find that balance.
When you feel the forces working, stop, take a breath, minimize your contact and in turn minimize theirs, and most of all PEACE OUT!
Happy Birthday #54 to ME!
1 year ago
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