Thursday, October 25, 2007

Lost And Found

Y'all remember when I was bitching about folk moving stuff where I couldn't find it? Well...

I done lost my two favorite game disks so I can't reload the damn things since I had to start fresh with the storage and OS. I ain't' sure if I lost them or somebody else did! Either way I am pissed! So if you see a Ghost Recon or Madden 2004 CD hanging around looking lost or something, direct them bad boys my way!

And I done found that list that I had lost. You know the one that I didn't call my New Year's Resolutions? Remember that one? No? Well of course you wouldn't. It disappeared before I could share it. And I call it the most recent addendum to My Life Philosophy. And it goes a little something like this...HIT IT! (yeah I miss En Vogue...)

  • Get Wealthier
  • Get Healthier
  • Get Educated
  • Get Selfish
  • Get Closer
  • Get Distant
  • Get Mobile
  • Get Gone
  • Get Your Duty Done
  • And most of all DO whatever it takes to make a life better... YOURS!!!!!!
Each of these things mean more than one thing on their own, so the list is a little general. But it pretty much encompasses the steps I need to take to get myself where I WANT to be!


Unknown said...

Welcome back, fam. Glad to see you're back in the bloghouse!

The Second Sixty-Eight said...

Here and there. Just gotta get back into the swing full time. You know, deal with the important stuff so I can get back to my thing as before. Especially before a certain Diva finds me...

deepnthought said...

Okay. That diva will be all over you.

Thats who came for me. lol

The Second Sixty-Eight said...

She did it to me too. I am just hard headed. Okay busy with other stuff is the actual reason I ain't regular. I ain't because I don't love y'all or something like that.

Jazzy said...

Awwwwwwwww it's great to feel the love of my Blog fam! I don't even mind that you're talking behind my back! :-)

I love this list. It's very general, so that anyone can personalize and use it. You better believe I've already hit the copy/paste button. I could stand to improve in all of these areas myself.