"You know, I am looking at my friends list. I am slightly surprised at the size of it. I am surprised because I haven't always been the most gregarious person. Yet for such a loner, I have a fairly large list. And these are just the ones I found on Facebook! I have some memory of everyone in the list. I guess you never realize how many people have touched your life until you see them all together!"
This was a little something that occurred to me while I was roaming around on my Facebook page earlier. The thought popped into my mind when I realized that the 152 people are only percentages. 82 relatives most of whom represent only ONE of my grandparents and their relatives. And they are only a part of the group as a whole. And still not all of the ones on Facebook I suspect.
About a dozen and a half of classmates from middle and high school years. A drop in the bucket considering the numbers of that population. Another dozen and a half of so of folk met in blogville. I still don't have everyone in the bloggerfam up in there. This is the largest percentage on FB for the population. And I have yet to meet one in person. Aside from Six that is. Known her all her life! As yet I have found no one from my college years.
But if you add all the folk together that have passed through you life who were not one time meetings, the list can get quite big. My own list would likely be over 500. Even more if you include all of the younger relatives I haven't met.
Happy Birthday #54 to ME!
1 year ago
I have over 300 friends on FB. I'm amazed I know/knew that many folks. People from my hometown, college, blogland, 2 internet groups I'm about of. I've came across people I haven't seen in yrs.
I did an assessment of my fb friends once to determine who needed to be cut and I also realized that everyone one of them had touched my life. It's funny how that works. I'm glad that there is a place like fb, though. Although I don't talk to 95% of my fb friends on the regular, I know I have access to them when it's needed.
@ Bootydo - Yeah. It is somewhat sobering when you step back and look at it isn't it?
@ Aretha - Yeah. What you said and more.
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