My buddy Nikki AKA Nikki Indigo author of Indigo Trail of My Thoughts passed away yesterday of complications from a rare autoimmune disease called Dermatomyositis (with lung complications). She will be missed.(You will have to excuse the self-taken-bathroom-photo-style that is now standard on the internet. But it is one of the few she sent me... And she seemed to always be wearing a slightly devilish grin like in this photo, so I had to share!)
We recently had conversations about the state of our health; The strange and rare condition that resulted in her hospitalization and 60 pound weight loss; The state of blogging and why we both needed to get back on the grind; Employment, unemployment and self-employment; and the wonderful people we have met online and in person through blogging. Among other things...
And she made me promise her two things near the end of that last conversation. The first is the story below this one. She revealed to me that she enjoyed my story telling very much, and that I should tell that story. High praise indeed from one so gifted with the art of the story. I was flattered to no end of course. I returned the favor to her by revealing that she was one of my favorite people that I had yet to meet. And that I HAD to meet her (and a few others) in person or I would be greatly disappointed. She seemed very flattered by that. It is amazing how somebody can make you feel like a million bucks by letting you know they think you are cool! She had that way though. So I dedicate "Bennie Kick" to my friend Nikki!
The other thing I promised was cookies. We got to talking about LadyLee's cookies and how neither one of us got many. Me because I am way up here in the D and her because her family killed them and she had to get her jack on to get the three that she ate. "Like crack" I believe was her description of them. I told her I get that same response up here. That led to the family business conversation. So I promised her I would send some down since she said that "homemade cookies do wonders toward making a recovery". That I do not doubt. Strangely enough I thought about that yesterday afternoon. I was wondering when she would call me to make arrangements for the shipping and such.
I am saddened because I never got the chance to send those cookies. And that she likely didn't have a chance to read the story. And for the fact that we won't be able to have that meet and greet on this world.
Nikki, you will be missed.
Until I can figure out shipping to where you are, here are some cookies.
Okay, I was gonna surprise you with a little cake too! So here's some of that also!
Happy Birthday #54 to ME!
1 year ago
I am just devastated by all of this. What a wonderful tribute you've done here. We're all trying to deal with our pain.
She will live forever in our memories and hearts... She truly will...
She loved my cookies... and I am sure she loves yours too, as she is watching over us now... you take care, and I hope you are holding up... I am going over to her parents house after work. I will keep you posted ~ LL
Words can't express how deeply saddened I am. I knew Nikki had been considering moving and starting anew, so I thought she was busy with the usual. I'm so sorry I didn't send a note to check on her.
LadyLee, if you don't mind, please extend my heartfelt condolences to Nikki's family for me.
@ Lee - I know you are because you two were a bit closer than we were. And I am still in a spin. Had to stomp some pedals to work through a little of the emotion. I await your updates.
@ CurvyGurl - I feel the same way. I almost didn't even do the post since I felt that the words wouldn't be enough. But I COULDN'T leave my computer without doing so. But I feel good because I did express my feelings to her the last time we communicated.
Thanx 4 this post, Brother 2nd 68... i'm stunned...
man you made me start crying.
my fellow leo will be missed, she was a cool chick.
all the good get taken away, rip Nikki
Man, I was through when I got the news this evening.
NIkki was a wonderful & giving soul. We have several funny interchanges in the short time we were acquainted.
Just wow!
@ CapCity - She is a Haremite. I could do no less for her. You know y'all are special!
@ Dreamy - It happens. I was doing pretty much the same when I wrote it.
And you are so right.
@ Tafari - It killed my day too. I stopped my job search and went looking for answers.
I don't remember how I ended up no my blog to be reading Southern Gal's post. But it shocked me.
Hearing about her death shook me up. I went straight to her Facebook page because I just knew I would see a recent status from her saying it's not true. But all I saw were condolences. Then I saw the video she posted of her watching the sunrise. That's when I really got emotional. Nikki will be missed.
Are you saying you wrote and posted "Bennie Kick" then went to my spot and saw my post about Nikki?
I am totally stunned and shocked. I spoke with her several times. I liked her swagger. I was not expecting this news.
My heart is broken in ways I didn't know it could be broken.
This is indeed a lovely tribute.
@ Southern - I had done the story EAAARLY sunday morning. I went to her page and posted that I had done it. I didn't get back to my computer until late Monday morning. I was in the middle of the Monday Morning Job search and I was showing my wife the story. I looked at the title of your blog in my feeds and thought that you may have lost a family member. So it was a great shock to find that I had lost one too. First thing I did was go to Facebook to see if there was an update and found what you found. The second thing I did was immediately open up a chat window with Lee and asked if it was a horrible joke that someone was playing on us.
@ Babz - I had the very same reaction. I found out something new about heartbreak myself. I couldn't have done any less for her. She would have done the same for me.
I have just learned of Nikki's passing and like everyone else i am shocked, stunned and sad. She was such a talent, always willing to give praise, always with the quick wit and wonderful, truthful, boad, i just don't know what to first lost in blogland...and yes, it's like losing a family member. RIP Nikki, you were so loved.
You are so right on all that.
to say that nikki will be missed is a huge understatement. she was truly one of a kind. nikki had the ability to make me (and everybody else)smile. i was shocked to hear that she passed. it's not something that we'll ever understand. gone...but not forgotten
my condolences to her fam
makes u sit back and really think on life
@ Kyle - Yeah. I do agree.
@ Dejanae - It does. I seem to have been doing a lot of that since I got the news myself. It has also made me appreciate the contacts I have with the rest of you that much more.
This was a very touching post. My condolences to you and all those who loved her.
I thank you for everyone.
such a beautiful tribute, got me a little misty over here myself.
Nikki died?! Oh, my Lord! I've been way outta touch. God, please bless her beautiful spirit.
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