Geronimo’s Heirs Sue Secret Yale Society Over His Skull See! Them damn Bush men have been at it for years!!!
Happy Birthday #54 to ME!
1 year ago
This is a collection of random rants. I got sh*t on my mind and it needs flushing on occasion. So I am lighting the candle and unfolding my newspaper. Don't bother knocking, I'll be out when I am done...
Geronimo’s Heirs Sue Secret Yale Society Over His Skull See! Them damn Bush men have been at it for years!!!
Posted by
The Second Sixty-Eight
5:10 PM
Labels: Crazy Shit, Dem Muhfuggas Iz Crazy, Tha Damn Nerve
How you sue a secret society? Isn't it a secret? LOL
Is this it? This is all you posted?
@ Rashan - Does make you wonder doesn't it?
@ Bootydo - That wasn't enough earth shaking madness type news from the world for you? Dang! I got you spoiled!!!
Hey. Hello?? Are you there?? You got mad jokes calling ME M.I.A. :-) Looks like you post with about the same frequency as me :-) Anyway, I'm not M.I.A anymore!
Um... well... you see what had happened was...
Hey! I been stressing over Midterms and such! That's my excuse and I am sticking with it!
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