Friday, October 24, 2008

Oh Woe Is Me!

Okay, no it ain't! But that popped into my mind for some strange reason.

Things are cool. The Wife is doing well. She went in for her two week evaluation on Monday. She finally got to see her leg again. It needs lotion but isn't bad overall. The doctor removed the tape around the sutures and that had been causing her some of the discomfort in the first cast. Now she has a nice purple cast (her favorite color). Which coordinated with her purple sweats that I bought her so she could leave the house without trying to squeeze her cast into some tight pants. THIS of course was a problem because the inactivity has allowed her to gain some weight. I am sure you can see where this is headed and why my hair is trying to turn a touch gray. It didn't help that the cleaning lady at her job had the nerve to say "girl you done picked up some weight!" I really could have murdered that woman right then because I been hearing the whole fat speech since then. LAWD save me!

And she has taken to entertaining herself with reading the gross stupidity that is known as the "letters to the editor" sections of various online sites. I don't relly think she believed how stupid things got when the great unwashed and unlettered get a forum to display their ignorance. Oh... wait... Does that sound elitist? Have I become an Obama? Eh-nee-waaaayyyyy... But yes, she is finding the opinions of the average american extremely entertaining. So I guess getting the computer working is generating benefits.

Mom seems to be doing okay with the rest of the folk looking after her. Hopefully things turn toward good a little faster soon.

I feel like a stretched rubber band. Not that I am complaining. There are benefits to being where I am. My days no longer are filled with finding ways to relieve boredom. I am relearning how to juggle things. I may just come back to life.

School updates: Midterm edition:

  • I am stil awaiting my score from my Astronomy exam. I don't know what happened to the scores. I guess I shall continue to wait.
  • I did the presentation for Systems Analysis. I could have gone better. I was thrown off a little by the fact that my group members had trouble keeping my visual aids on the screen. Especially since they were keeping me on track during the presentation since we couldn't have notes.
  • I got the midterm for that class back that same day. Chalk up that grand slam y'all! A hunned pacenn thank ya! The rest of the class didn't seem to do as well because he felt the need to offere a deal to encourage class participation. He is going to spit the difference between the midterm and final scores and add that to the midterm grade. So those who dropped the ball on the midterm get a chance to improve that grade by doing well on the final. Doesn't do jack shit for me, but then again I get what is going on! I don't need no stinking crutch!!!
  • Tonight I hand in the first assignment in my comptuer class. It works as it is supposed to. It is my original code. I have a flow chart and pseudocode. Hopefully it is all he asked for. Since he didn't require that we do data validation, I didn't add any. But it takes the required inputs. It gives the required outputs. My black box works to specifications as given. Should score high.
  • Got a quiz in Astronomy to finish before tomorrow night. Guess I will do the reading and take it before I leave. I am 10 points short of perfect on the quizzes. So I missed a question on tidal friction. I bet I got that sumbitch on the exam though.
  • Time to start concentrating on the DSS project Systems Analysis and the paper for Astronomy.
  • Assuming I don't have any major meltdowns, I should get at least two if not three A grades this semester.
  • Registration of the next semester starts the day before election day. All three of the classes I need are offered and I am in line for being done with classes in early may. Unless of course I opt for grad school...
Well, that is what is up on my front. I will attempt to be a little more regular now. I hope...


Jazzy said...

Lmao @ “it needs lotion

Woman at job needs to be slapped…how rude!

Glad you are doing so well in the future. You should definitely consider grad school...find high paying job to pay for schooling first though.

Anonymous said...


Leave your wife's ashy leg alone. I'm sure she lotioned it on up.

I took Systems Analysis and didn't learn a damn thing. My teacher was from Africa and had a strong accent. Plus he missed at least 3 weeks of class b/c his wife had their first baby.

Queen of My Castle said...

Glad your wife is better and that you seem to be thoroughly enjoying school. LOL

UGH @ the woman at work. I swear I can't stand when people say/do ignorant ish like that.

The Second Sixty-Eight said...

@ Diva - Just a little Jergens after a good scrubbing...

That is how I feel about the lady but The Wife agreed with her and all! I know she meant it different but geez!

Yeah. I will readdress the grad school thing after I get a job and a (semi) permanent location which likely will not be here...

@ Southern - Howww-DEEEEE!!!
She ain't lotioned it up yet. But she will!

Don't feel bad, this is my third time taking SA. I guess this is the charm...

@ Queenie - Yep. Better. Yep. Enjoying.

So true on the lady. But they were just "conversating" so it wasn't a bad thing between them at the time.

Anonymous said...

Glad the missus is doing better. Don't even worry about the cleaning lady. I'm sure all the fumes she has sniffed over the years has affected her mind and altered her personality.

Good luck with the school thing.