Here is another list of favored posts that I have run across. These were particularly thought provoking, inspiring or plain flat out funny. I will have to mine my mind for some others. I am sure there are others that I have forgotten. But I will find them... Until then, have a good time with these! This time I am providing links to the particular goodies.
The Brutha Code and Tha gootchie. - and other madness! Feel it!
Diva's damn game - If you can't find it you are either dead or blind! Play it!
AlwaysFunkyFresh's bad Boston date. - You gotta read it to believe it! Go on it!
Nikki Indigo and Cars - An idle mind truly went too far! (not that I don't do it myself...) Drive it!
Nikki Indigo and her sperm. - Only she could come up with this! Screw it!
MzCoko ...And We Are Beautiful. - And so is she for posting this! Love it!
AlwaysFunkyFresh's Friday Follicles. - Yep. Fresh is at it again! Springer it!
TDJ's Bricks - What a building! (please come back) - Stack it!
Deepnthought and her thanks to bloggers. - So touching. Touch it!
The Assimilated Negro's dick letter - This fresh of his own greatest hits list. Stroke it!
Happy Birthday #54 to ME!
1 year ago
I likes the list...but truthfully as I read it, the first one I'm going to check out or "stroke" is the "dick letter". The intro just tickles me. LOL!
I swear you really crack me up!
Stop disappearing.
I will try to stay a little more regular. An apple a day and all that. And that letter had me cracking up. Especially since I don't have horse or donkey genes myself.
uh get it
Hey 68! I'm back! Where have YOU been? :)
Mostly on slow motion. Trying to get on top of health issues before they get to be bad health issues. And sleeping a lot lately... If any of y'all pregnant, I got three alibis in place already!
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