Thursday, March 08, 2018

52 at Fifty: The Prologue

So I have decided to try something new.  I believe in the olden days it was called blogging.  Okay, so not new.  I will call it renew...

What my intent here is to do a weekly log of how things are going on my 50th anniversary of being me.  My format is to do a single post each week (hence the 52) on my journey at this milestone.  I'm starting off in the week before my birthday.  So Saturday to Saturday is the new post cycle.  Everything that happens after Saturday will be posted as an update to the current post.

Hopefully I can keep this party rolling and complete this task while actually keeping to a regular schedule.  We will see.  That is one of the things I am working on.


Saturday, March 10, 2018.  Ya boy hits The Big Five-Oh.  A fact that has a little humor attached for a few reasons.  One of them is that I have been calling my high school classmates old.  Hell they have been turning 50 for the better part of two years now.  I was mildly justified.  But it was done in fun and out of love.  Now some may strike back!

The journey up to Saturday has been an interesting one to be sure.  Ups.  Downs.  Triumphs.  Tribulations.  Ah, y'all know how it goes.  So you know there is a bunch that could be said.  I intend on catching folk up bit.  I know it has been kinda quiet around here for the bulk of the decade.  Or should I say A decade...  So those updates will come during the upcoming weeks.

Honestly, I didn't know what to expect this close to pulling into that station.  Well, maybe I had some expectations.  I just don't know what they were.  Or I don't know how to express those thoughts and feelings.  What I do know is that I feel that I was not expecting to be where I am now.  Where am I?  I am at the point where you say to yourself Oh Shit, You Haven't Done XYZ!!!!

Yep.  Pulling into the station at OHSHITYOUHAVENTDONEVILLE

There seems to be quite a bit of X, Y and Z to go around here.  I find that disturbing.  And not in a Dyssturbing way either.  So I am trying to wrap my mind around doing some of those things.  And these will be things discussed in coming posts.  A sample of said to do list goes a little something like this:

  • Stabilize finances
  • Get a car under my butt on a consistent basis
  • Ride my bike more days of the week than last year
  • Actually put a bike on this resistance trainer that I bought for "winter cycling/conditioning"
  • Be a better leader
  • Get these health conditions under control for real
  • Stop feeling years older than I actually am
  • Learn welding 
  • Learn powder coating
  • Build your own bike frame because that is why you learned the two above
  • Build a new bike this year whether I accomplish the three above or not
  • Communicate with loved ones on a more regular basis
  • Eat better
  • Consume WAY more water than I have been because I think I am drying out
  • The bike is a good start, but do more
  • Less staycation, more vacation
  • Be more fearless
  • Grow the business
  • Post them damn pictures
I could go on but I was just dropping a sample.  I also am not trying to do it all at once.  See ya Saturday for Week 1

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