Yep! That's right, the big day is here! Graduation time! The direct prelude to "get reacquainted with your blog" day.
Been a long hard road getting here. And a somewhat challenging one lately. Which reminds me, I got a couple of stories to tell... But, I digress (already...)
I would expound further, however the days tribulations have enervated me to the point of somnolence. <~~ see, it's working already... I know I also said I would give you guys a link so that you could share in the wonderfulness. In case you didn't have jack shit else interesting to occupy your time that is... But it seems that there is no link to the broadcast at this point. But the link to where it will be (at some point) is right here. I will make sure to post it when the actual video is up.
Anyway, this pie is about done. So I am gonna take it out of the oven and put me in the bed.
Oh yeah, for those who are interested and lucky enough to get a live feed, the festivities kick off at 10:00 a.m. e.d.t. (too damn early in the morning if ya ask me...)
Louis Sanford
The New Graduate!
Happy Birthday #54 to ME!
1 year ago
Congratulations, my brother! Another milestone reached and another hurdle cleared. Imma try to be there regardless.
Soooooooo proud of you...congratulations!
Wooooohoooo! Congratulations!!! My little brother is graduating tommorrow too.
Congratulations. Now I have to see the video and find out if they shook hands while handing out diplomas or if the swine flu hysteria won out.
@ The BB - Yep. Crossed the finish line on that one finally!
@ Diva - Yep. Finally got it done!
@ Southern - Tell ya little bro I said "CLASS OF 2009 BAYBAAAAAAYYYYY!!!!"
@ Ms. B. - Why thank ya lovely!
@ Freaky - Not only did they shake hands, they basically called us out undercover if you ask me. But I posted the video, you decide.
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