Wow. Two years. That is how long it has been since I published a post in this space. Okay, and change...
I realize why now that I look back at the last post. Even now reading it brings tears. It is no wonder that I stayed away. My therapy (this space) often is a harsh reminder of the things that motivated me to tell these stories. I even feel a little bad about some of the things that have been put down in this space. But hindsight is 20/20. Looking back you can afford to have regrets. Now you only have memories of the pain, not the actual experience. Then however, that was when it was happening and fresh. The words begged for release so that the accompanying insanity could escape as well.
This space was then. A lot of what generated these 400 odd posts is either gone, severely lessened, or no longer worthy of the posts. Well, mostly...
See something happened recently. Something small and seemingly harmless. What had happened is that I bought my first smartphone y'all! YEAH! I KNOW IT IS 2015! SHADDUP! I am a late bloomer. And I was waiting for them to get the kinks out... Really the reason was that my wife lost the phone connected to the number on our business cards. And she kept forgetting to check the voice mail for messages. So I transferred the number to a brand spanky new phone. Which comes with a bill. Which I can now afford because of more budget room. Which prompted me to buy a second phone. Which means I needed apps! Which led me to loading a bunch of popular social networking apps. I resisted the Facebook app for two weeks. Then fell into the trap. Now I am connected. For better or worse. I also connected to my Twitter and Skype accounts that have been largely unused for the last 5 or 6 years... They are still mostly unused too. Oh and Instagram as some of you already know from the follow requests... I guess I need to use the camera to make that useful. Eh, we'll see.
What also happened is this. I feel the need to express again. Not saying how long it will last. Or how it will manifest itself this time around. Maybe back to the roots I go. And I likely will relaunch my Wordpress space for the project. I had previously used that space to mirror this space. Might start fresh. I guess I will keep y'all posted on this if I launch it. If there is anybody who even reads this...
Happy Birthday #54 to ME!
1 year ago
I'm still here.
I'm still here.
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