Monday, February 23, 2009

That Damn Bush Family!!!

Geronimo’s Heirs Sue Secret Yale Society Over His Skull See! Them damn Bush men have been at it for years!!!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

I Would Like To Speak To Management Please!

Because this place is getting hella dusty!!!


I know.

Half a month? Even I think it is ridiculous!!!

But because of the move and semester starting at the same time, I am STILL a little disorganized and slightly behind.

And before you say it, YES! I been studying!!! Just ain't caught up yet. And since I am getting organized as I fly into mid-terms, I may be a little absent still (or not... I never know...) But my last midterm is on my birthday. How the hell am I supposed to take my personal holiday off when she does that shit? BUT spring break for me starts pretty much close of business on the day after. SOOOOOOOOOO. I MIGHT be in Atlanta that week. We shall see if that comes together or not. If it does, then be prepared for A Dyssturbed ATL coming in Mid March!!!

Now, I better go and get dressed before this Valentines Day Steak don't happen! And after that... Study...
